Sr. Bajilis Anjali
St Rock’s Girls’ Primary school at Cleveland Town, Bangalore was established on 30 October 1913 to educate the underprivileged students in and around areas. It was upgraded to Higher Primary school on 04 May 1971 and after a long gap of few decades as the need of the hour of students to continue their studies in the same school it was later upgraded to high school on 02 July 1999. More than the century the school is being run to empower the girls through education aiming a holistic development. It approaches academic subjects addressing the intellect, conscience and moral values of the students. To create a New and Just society, the school examines the patterns of unjust systems embedded in our society through curricular and extracurricular activities. It encourages students to learn each subject’s implications for what it means to be a human being and in what way one can contribute to the welfare of the society. It always cares for a safe and stimulating learning environment and also provides excellent learning experiences with good infrastructure.
The students are trained intellectually, enriching values and empowering them to withstand strong in times of untoward circumstances, thus fulfilling the vision of our Foundress Servant of God, Mother Thatipatri Gnanamma.
On behalf of the school I greet all of you and wish you all the best.