St. Rock was born in France around 1295 A.D. His father was the Governor of Montpellier. He was left orphan at the age of 20, after which he gave up his wealth and power and left for Rome on a pilgrimage. On his way he found many parts of Italy being struck with plague and he devoted himself to cure the people.
Finally, he himself was stricken with plague and the wounds appeared on his thigh. Not wishing to be a burden to anyone, he dragged himself out into the deep woods to die but was saved by a dog which fed him bread daily. When he was cured from the disease he continued to help the sick. Later he returned to Montpellier where he was mistaken for a spy and was imprisoned. He remained in prison for five years till his death.
At the Council of Constance held between1414-1418 A.D. he was declared a Saint because by his intercession a local epidemic had stopped. From then on St. Rock is venerated respectfully. His Feast is celebrated on the 16th of August every year.

The Society of Sisters of St. Anne is a Pontifical Congregation. It was chiefly founded for the empowerment of the powerless, especially women and girls. The vision of the Congregation springs from the life and work of the Foundress Thattipathri Gnanamma.In the 1860’s she sensed the inner longing of the girls for liberation in Kilacheri village, near Chennai, in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The sensitivity to the cry of the poor and creative response to the signs of the times define the core identity of the Congregation.
This drives the Sisters of St. Anne-Chennai to engage themselves in liberative, empowering and life-giving mission for the marginalized. In 1979, on 6th December the Congregation was elevated to the Pontifical Status by Pope John Paul II. The Generalate is located at Madhavaram in Chennai. The Congregation is divided into three province and two regions.
The sisters involve in varies ministries – social, spiritual, cultural, pastoral, medical, educational - that manifest in concrete actions the word of God and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.